Ayurveda Spa Wellness treatments provide ways to nourish the body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is a science of life: (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge).

A Holistic system, Ayurveda has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. Its practice consists of routines and remedies designed to foster and maintain optimum health. In Ayurveda, it is understood that Five Elements naturally combine in certain combinations, resulting in Three Predominant Influences on our bodies.

These are the Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The Five Elements combine to form the Three Doshas. Vata, regulates movement – governs kinetic energy in the body. Pitta, regulates metabolism – associated with potential energy. Kapha, regulates structure – balance between the body’s kinetic and potential energy.

Ayurveda Spa

Determine Your Dosha to Determine Your Body Type.
While each dosha plays an individual role in our bodies, overall good health is achieved only when all three are in balance. Knowing your unique proportions of vata, pitta and kapha is a prerequisite to understanding Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. To determine your Dosha or body type, read the characteristics listed below. While some of us have one only dominant dosha, many people are a combination of any two or all three usually with one profile that is dominant.

Vata:  Elements – air and space.

Small and thin; lightest of the three body types
Dry, rough skin
Average amount of dry hair
Restless, disjointed thoughts but highly imaginative
Dislikes cold weather
Benefits from daily naps between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
In balance, vata promotes creativity and flexibility. Out of balance, vata produces fear and anxiety. Physical ailments connected to the air element, such as emphysema, pneumonia and arthritis, are predominant. The guidelines for balancing vata include: keeping warm and maintaining calmness, avoiding raw, cold foods, staying out of cold weather and keeping a regular routine.

Pitta:  Elements – fire and water.

Medium build, strong, well-built
Fair or reddish skin; sunburns easily
Fine, straight or thinning hair
Sharp mind with good concentration powers
Dislikes hot weather
Benefits from daily meditation after 6 p.m.
In balance, pitta promotes intelligence and understanding. Out of balance, pitta produces anger and jealousy. Physical ailments connected to the fire element, such as fevers, inflammatory diseases and jaundice, are predominant. The guidelines for balancing pitta include: avoiding excessive heat, oil and steam while limiting intake of salt and exercising during the cooler part of the day.

Kapha:  Elements – water and earth.

Larger build, sturdy, physically strong
Oily, moist and pale skin
Thick amounts of hair
Reflective and deliberate thought pattern; calm
Dislikes damp, cold weather
Benefits from going to bed early and rising early
In balance, kapha promotes strength and calmness. Out of balance, kapha produces dullness and lethargy. The key to balancing kapha is stimulation. The guidelines to balance kapha include physical activity, new challenges, hot and spicy food. Since kapha is sweet, try to avoid sweet and heavy food. Try not to overeat. Stay warm, avoid dampness.