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Healing Broth

Yields1 Serving

The Healing Broth recipe is a base for all successful alkaline cooking. The Spas in Canada Team keeps this delicious soup base handy for Winter tasty stews.

Healing Broth

 4 carrots ( washed with skin on)
 2 red potatoes with skin
 1 onion quartered
 2 stalks celery
 ½ bunch parsley
 ½ head red cabbage
 ½ bunch broccoli
 4 Cloves of garlic (or more) crushed

Add filtered/purified water to about an inch above veggies.


With burner on LOW, simmer for 30 minutes. Do not boil.


Add two teaspoons Bragg’s Liquid Aminos from the health food store for seasoning. Add to blender and puree.


Then store in refrigerator. Have an 8 ounce cup of this once a day.


Add in some freshly grated ginger freshly squeezed lemon juice for extra healing power.
Freeze in ice cube trays for use as a base in making baby’s food or as the liquid for a stir fry.
Makes a great base for soups or stews
Makes for a great base for any pilaf, rice quinoa, millet, barley
Can replace milk in any recipe.
Add corn starch or Arrowroot to thicken and you get a gravy or base for Chinese food
Can be flavored with quality soya sauce (Braggs liquid amino) Worchestershire sauce, tabasco or a variety of others