Lomi-Lomi Massage is often called the gentle and healing massage. This traditional massage technique was derived from the ancient Polynesians and administered by village kahunas in old Hawaii.

Lomi Lomi, simply means massage, is sometimes referred to as the “loving hands” massage because of its extremely gentle, continuously flowing strokes. Gentle stretches and joint rotation are often incorporated as well.

This gentle massage may include traditional healing rituals and/or prayers in Hawaiian that forge a link between past and present. It is supported by the Seven Principles of Huna Philosophy that are the spiritual guidelines of the ancient Hawaiian people. This is a philosophy of self awareness and personal empowerment.

Lomi-Lomi massage is more than just a technique.

In an online issue of Massage Magazine , Lomi-lomi massage is described as more than just technique. “Handed down through the ages from family to family, it was and is a lifestyle of health and wellness, physically and spiritually”. A few well-known Hawaiian healers are Auntie Margaret and Kahu Abraham. Over their years perfecting these techniques, they shared some of their methods and secrets of the Hawaiian healers. Today, Kumu Harry Uhane Jim, Kumu Dane Silva and Kumu Brenda Ignacio continue to teach and share the ancient wisdom that has been passed on from their elders.

Many Canadian Spas lead the way in promoting healthy spa programs.  Lomi-Lomi massage is one of the health and wellness options available at the spa. Find a Lomi-Lomi massage therapist near you.