As the ancient art of therapeutic massage enjoys a modern-day revival as more individuals are becoming aware of the healing power of touch.

Massage Therapy is such a pleasurable experience and as such, assists the mind/body mechanisms to produce endorphins, the body’s own pain relievers.  Clinical massage therapy and guided imagery may have a substantial, positive impact on patients’ comfort at a very low cost, according to a study published in Critical Care Nurse (CCN).  An article published in Critical Care Nurse  outlines how Beaumont Health System in Royal Oak, Michigan, found that patients’ self-reported pain and anxiety scores improved immediately after clinical massage therapy, while other patients who listened to a guided-imagery recording found the intervention to be very helpful, reporting improvements in pain, anxiety and insomnia.

Massage Therapy Benefits

Normalizes blood pressure.
Reduces the output of adrenaline.
Assists to slow down rapid breathing.
Reduces muscle stress and pain.
Increases circulation throughout the body.

The healing touch of an experienced massage therapist is the most relaxing way to treat stressed muscles.  When muscles are relaxed all our movements are improved and work more efficiently.  For people that are experiencing chronic pain or just like a deeper massage, trigger points are manipulated to release tension, restoring muscle integrity and overall body balance.

Looking to experience therapeutic and advanced massage therapy treatments? A trip to your local spa might be exactly what you need to de-stress. You can search local Spas & Salons HERE. Canadian Heath Spas & Retreats lead the way in health and wellness programs. Why not book your spa time today and experience the ultimate in relaxing massage therapy.