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Spas in Canada


Day Spa

The Spa Team says “Taking time to treat your face and body is no longer a luxury but a spa-necessity.” It is more important now than ever before to take care of our minds, bodies and souls. A trip to…


Herbal Body Wrap

The herbal body wrap is one of the most popular and comforting spa treatments available today. This body wrap treatment is often enhanced by soft music and aromatherapy. Wonderful, warm and therapeutic. The herbal body wrap uses an assortment of…


Hollywood Red Carpet Weight Loss Wrap

The world’s proven and guaranteed inch loss body wrap. Guaranteed.  A natural treatment that melts away inches from thighs, stomach, hips, waistline and removes cellulite, a secret of the Egyptian Pharaohs used for thousands of years and we guarantee you…


Therapeutic Acne Facial

Acne in adolescent years can leave many unwanted scars. Thankfully there are treatment options such as therapeutic acne treatments that can be very effective and have the potential to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Acne is a common skin problem affecting…


Ayurveda Spa

Ayurveda Spa Wellness treatments provide ways to nourish the body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is a science of life: (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). A Holistic system, Ayurveda has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. Its practice consists of routines…


Cellulite Reduction Spa Solutions

Cellulite Reduction Spa Solutions The term cellulite is said to have originated in France more than 150 years ago. Descriptive names for cellulite have since evolved to include, orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin, and dimples, to name a few.…


Vinotherapy Spa Treatment

The world loves wine and now the powerful antioxidant benefits are revealed as modern science is rediscovering the secret of the grape. We know from recent studies that drinking the occasional glass of wine can be beneficial and heart healthy.…


Hydrotherapy Spa Treatments

Hydrotherapy spa treatments are an important part of therapeutic healing and wellness. Many civilizations use water to soothe, relieve and treat ailments. In particular, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have all used hydrotherapy to treat illness and chronic disorders.  General health and wellness can be…


Lomi-Lomi Massage

Lomi-Lomi Massage is often called the gentle and healing massage. This traditional massage technique was derived from the ancient Polynesians and administered by village kahunas in old Hawaii. Lomi Lomi, simply means massage, is sometimes referred to as the “loving…


Spa Makeup & Cosmetics

A makeup technician at the spa will assist and advise on your personal makeup application, the newest natural products and the colors that best suit your skin tone. Spa Makeup Cosmetics enable women to easily achieve a professional level of makeup artistry.…

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