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Spas in Canada


Yoga Retreat

A Yoga Retreat the ideal way to restore balance to body, mind and spirit. Yoga is a wonderful workout for your body, mind and spirit. A simple and pure form of exercise that benefits the whole body. All you need is…


Yoga Practice

Yoga practice is believed to be over three thousand years old. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yui. While different types of yoga are practiced throughout the world, the three most common methods in the West are: asanas,…


Weight Loss Spa Programs

Weight Loss Spa Programs can provide a life altering change in how we live our everyday life. Find the best weight loss spa programs here in Canada. Some of the best weight loss health programs are offered at leading Canadian…


Spa Massage Therapy

Spa massage therapy has become increasingly popular among people of all ages.  While focusing on sections of the body that are difficult to reach, therapeutic massage effectively relieves muscle tension and discomfort. Spa Massage Therapy Our modern lifestyle keeps us either sitting…


Spa Facial

A Spa Facial to cleanse, balance and refresh the skin and enhance overall condition! We all know a refreshing, pampering facial, a mainstay of any spa menu, will leave the skin smooth and toned. Along with a healthy diet and…


Shiatsu Japanese Therapy

Shiatsu Japanese Therapy is a traditional hands-on healing therapy. As we attempt to balance our work-life responsibilities we all experience many kinds of stress in our daily lives. Often our response to the daily grind results in lack of sleep, over eating, and…


Best Sauna Guide

At least a thousand years of history shows that the sauna or similar systems can be found in many cultures around the world: the Russian banya, the Native American sweat lodge or Inipi, the Turkish hamam, even the Japanese onsen.…



The Healing Power of Reiki invokes a state of deep relaxation – rejuvenation heals the root cause of disease and illness promotes harmony of body, mind and spirit. Reiki is an ancient Japanese art of natural hands-on healing. When receiving…


Rejuvenation Spa Packages

Rejuvenation Spa Packages for all Seasons. Canadian Health Spas and Wellness Retreats lead the way in health and wellness programs designed to suit your personal objectives. Seasonal Spa Packages offer a wide range of spa experiences. The spa experience is just…



Sometimes called reflex zone therapy, Reflexology involves the massage of certain pressure points on the feet and sometimes the hands. The Reflexologist believes that these points correspond to zones in the body. Massaging these areas can relieve stress and even prevent…

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